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Gunn HS Rainbow Park (ride rating: D/3/65)
SECOND SUNDAY RIDE - D/3/65 Ice Creram Social 10 AUG 03 with Mike Harding Turn On L Foothill Expy L Palm Av. R Mar Vista S McClellan (down hill) R Linda Vista L Hyannisport R Bubb L Rainbow R Stelling L Prospect R Via Roncole, Arroyo de Arguello L Comer R Pierce; Enjoy new pavement R Hwy 9; climb-Regroup at top L Hwy 35-Skyline L Bear Creek-Regroup R Summit L Bayview; wait for leader; if you get to Hwy 17, you've missed it. R,L,R,L Follow 'main road down hill; STEEP! R Madrone; go under Freeway R Holy City L Old San Jose L Old SJ, at Aldercroft Heights R Hwy 17 frontage rd EITHER S Freeway shoulder R OffFwy @ Saratoga-Los Gatos L Saratoga-Los Gatos OR S Freeway shoulder at Alma Bridge R Alma Bridge L Recreation Trail L Bridge R University L Saratoga-Los Gatos COMMON R Quito Rd L Cox R Miller R Rainbow L Rainbow Park and LUNCH R Rainbow (West) R Blaney L Pacifica, jog LR @ DeAnza, to McClellan S Mar Vista L Palm R Foothill R Gunn HS