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Gunn HS Moody, Page Mill, Black& Montebello (ride rating: D/4(8780')/76)
MOODY, PAGE MILL, BLACK, AND MONTEBELLO 76 Mi, 8,780' Start Gunn High School Steve & Cheryl Prothero Turn At Miles Miles Climb Climb Notes To So To So Next Far Next Far R Arastradero Rd 1.3 0 0 0 L Purissima Rd 0.5 1.3 60 0 R Elena Rd 2.6 1.8 250 60 R Moody Rd 2.5 4.4 600 310 Last half mile of Moody gets steep. L Page Mill Rd 6.0 6.9 1,420 910 Stair-step climb. Regroup at top (Skyline) L Skyline Blvd(Hi35) 6.2 12.9 750 2,330 Restroom at Russian Ridge OSP. R Sar. Gap fire sta. 0.0 19.1 0 3,080 Regroup and get water just before Hwy 9 R Skyline Bl(Hi 35) 10.7 19.1 700 3,080 Then continue south on Skyline. L Bear Creek Rd 3.9 29.8 0 3,780 Regroup at Skyline & Bear Creek before descent. L service road 0.2 33.7 0 3,780 Turn just before Hwy 17. Do not go on or across it. L Black Rd 5.1 33.9 1,780 3,780 Water at school if needed. Regroup at top (Skyline). R Skyline Bl (Hi 35) 6.4 39.0 680 5,560 Regroup at Saratoga Gap before descending Hwy 9. R Hwy 9 5.8 45.4 0 6,240 L Pierce Rd 1.0 51.2 130 6,240 L Mt Eden Rd 2.3 52.2 260 6,370 L Stevens Canyon Rd 0.1 54.5 0 6,630 Regroup at Stevens Creek County Park L,U park entrance 0.0 54.6 0 6,630 ... for water and restroom. R Stevens Canyon Rd 1.4 54.6 40 6,630 L Montebello Rd 5.3 56.0 2,020 6,670 Regroup at top (dead end at OSP entrance). U Montebello Rd 5.3 61.3 0 8,690 Bumpy, with some sharp curves. Descend carefully. L Stevens Canyon Rd 9.8 66.6 90 8,690 Becomes Foothill Blvd and then Foothill Expwy. R Arastradero Rd 0.1 76.4 0 8,780 L Gunn High School 0 76.5 0 8,780 Done!
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