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Gunn HS Kings Mt, W Old La Honda & Joaquin Rds. (ride rating: D/4(4390')/47)
GUNN HS - KINGS, W. OLD LA HONDA, AND JOAQUIN 47mi 4390' Start Gunn High School Steve & Cheryl Prothero For PDF version See http://bikeca.tripod.com/routes/index.htm Turn At Miles Miles Climb Climb Notes To So To So Next Far Next Far R Arastradero Rd 2.1 0 190 0 L Page Mill Rd 0.1 2.1 0 190 1-block zig. R Arastradero Rd 2.2 2.2 240 190 L Alpine Rd 1.1 4.4 190 430 R Portola Rd 3.4 5.5 30 620 L Portola Rd 0.2 8.9 0 650 Do not continue straight onto Sand Hill Rd L Portola Rd 0.6 9.1 90 650 Bear left. Don’t go right onto Mountain Home Rd. R Woodside Rd(Hi84) 1.1 9.7 0 740 L Tripp Rd 0.9 10.8 0 740 Regroup, water at Woodside Store historic site. L Kings Mountain Rd 4.2 11.7 1,670 740 Regroup at top (Skyline Blvd). L Skyline Bl (Hi35) 5.6 15.9 300 2,410 Regroup, water, restrooms in Sky Londa. R Hwy 84 2.9 21.5 0 2,710 Descend toward coast, but don’t go all the way down! L Old La Honda Rd 2.6 24.4 580 2,710 Caution: blind curve. Regroup at top. L Skyline Bl (Hi35) 1.6 27.0 60 3,290 R Hwy 84 3.3 28.6 0 3,350 Descend to valley. R Portola Rd 0.8 31.9 10 3,350 Hairpin curve. R Portola Rd 2.1 32.7 10 3,360 R Willowbrook Dr 0.8 34.8 30 3,370 R Alpine Rd 2.7 35.6 520 3,400 Regroup at bottom of Joaquin Rd. L Joaquin Rd 0.4 38.3 270 3,920 Steep! Regroup at top. R Old Spanish Trail 0.5 38.7 40 4,190 L Vista Verde Way 0.2 39.2 0 4,230 Caution: residential area. Steep! Descend carefully. R Ramona Rd 0.7 39.4 10 4,230 Caution: residential area. Steep! Descend carefully. R Los Trancos Rd 2.0 40.1 10 4,240 Caution: 35 mph speed limit. R Alpine Rd 0.5 42.1 0 4,250 R Arastradero Rd 2.2 42.6 80 4,250 L Page Mill Rd 0.1 44.8 0 4,330 1-block zig. R Arastradero Rd 2.1 44.9 60 4,330 L Gunn High School 0 47.0 0 4,390 Done!
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