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San Francisco Bay Area Ride Catalog from the Western Wheelers

Looking for a cycling route in the San Francisco Bay Area? Want to know how to get from Mountain View to Santa Cruz or find a leisurely ride in Sonoma? The Western Wheelers Bicycle Club has a catalog of over 400 rides contributed by club members. Rides are rated by category (pace), hilliness and length. You can browse the catalog or search for a keyword, such as street or city. Additional rides are always welcome, just email Dick Blaine.

You can search for a starting point or destination (e.g. Saratoga) or street (Uvas) or any other key word that might describe where you want to go. Type the word(s) you want in the field below. Case doesn't matter. If you're unsure of spelling, use * to do a partial match (i.e., jan* matches janis and janice). Select the ride category using the pulldown.

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  Or browse the rides by category:
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Comments or suggestions? Send me an email.